My general plan over the two weeks of 1/24 - 2/4 for my research project and more.
I plan for this week to watch many videos on javascript simulation. I am going to be watching videos also on developing my own ML, Machine Learning, Model and how I can apply it to my current research. My plan is to develop this model in a way that it takes in research papers, and articles about the trends of how planes are effected by certain factors, and have my model train on that data and spit out the trends using graphs and data tables.
Another thing that I plan to do this week is to read a few research papers on flight simulation and spacial simulation using either javascript or python.
February 9th Check-in
Overall I would say for the most part I did these task that I created for myself. I did watch around 10-15 videos on developing a machine learning model and also on js real world simulation. The thing I say would say that I didnt really do is read over 2 papers on this topic. Papers are long and take a long time to properly understand and digest.
alt:Beta data process
alt:Visual of me doing research
February 23rd Check-in
Overall I would say for the most part I did these task that I created for myself. I did watch around 10-15 videos on developing a machine learning model and also on js real world simulation. The thing I say would say that I didnt really do is read over 2 papers on this topic. Papers are long and take a long time to properly understand and digest.
alt:Beta data process
alt:Visual of me doing research
March 8th Check-in
Overall I would say for the most part I did these task that I created for myself. I did watch around 10-15 videos on developing a machine learning model and also on js real world simulation. The thing I say would say that I didnt really do is read over 2 papers on this topic. Papers are long and take a long time to properly understand and digest.
alt:Beta data process
alt:Visual of me doing research
March 22nd Check-in
Overall I would say for the most part I did these task that I created for myself. I did watch around 10-15 videos on developing a machine learning model and also on js real world simulation. The thing I say would say that I didnt really do is read over 2 papers on this topic. Papers are long and take a long time to properly understand and digest.
alt:Beta data process
alt:Visual of me doing research
Post Spring Break Major Iteration Goals
1. I plan to implement the feedback from my first poster to make sure that I add data visualization and more descriptive images of my model.
2. Because I am doing design thinking, I plan to use my poster in my presentation but will also have a monitor with my prototype. My prototype is an online web based simulation and users will be able to test it during my presentation.
3. I will complete the content analysis & design thinking method by collecting atleast 3 additional sources, ensuring that I have summarized this content into my themes, and then I will watch more videos and read more research papers to collect more helpful data.
4. I will use the data from #3 to accept/not accept my hypothesis and will create an engaging visualization of my data with my hypothesis that people can glance at and understand why I accepted or did not accept my hypothesis.
5. I will spend at least 20 minutes each day on my Research and Pinnacle Project, in addition to scheduling longer blocks of time once a week to make sure I do not have a lot of work to do right before May 3.